Tips for Student Accommodation Move-In Day

Move-in day at your student accommodation marks an exciting milestone, but it can also be a nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re a first-year student or returning, preparation is key to ensuring a smooth transition into your new student accommodation.

This blog offers essential tips to streamline your move-in day process. From checklists to meeting roommates, each step is there to help you settle in comfortably. 

By following these suggestions, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the aspects of moving into student accommodation, making it a memorable start to your university journey!

Two girls in a student accommodation

Preparation Checklist 

A great way to ensure that you are well prepared for move-in day is by creating a checklist. This can include everything from the things you have to pack, documents that you have to carry and even the steps that we list here to give you some clarity on how the day will go.

Be sure to start this list early enough so that you have sufficient time to add things to it if you need to. 

If you are struggling with where to begin, refer to our blog on Preparing for University: Essential Checklist for Incoming Freshers to get some inspo. 

Girl writing in a book

Arrive on Time

The student accommodation will typically give you a designated time period for the move-in day. While some student accommodations will allow move-ins throughout their working hours, some of them have slots that they assign you. 

Regardless of which option you have, it is good practice to arrive within the time that they mention to avoid any rush at the last moment.

Person checking the time on their watch

Room Inspection 

As soon as you are assigned your room, we would recommend that you go through the inventory list to make sure you have everything that is listed. 

It is advisable to ensure that all the appliances are in working condition and all other products are in good condition as well.

If not, immediately take a picture of it and also mention a member of the staff so they can sort it out for you as soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to speak up if you think something doesn’t meet the standards agreed upon. Although very unlikely, if it happens, be sure to bring it up.

Girl dusting the pillows

Setting Up

Setting up the day you arrive is a good way to get the big task out of the way on move-in day. You are also likely to have more help on the day if you have anyone dropping you off, so this can help with all the unpacking that you have to do.

Be sure to set up one section at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed with all the things you have and also be sure to make note of where you keep your important documents.

Beyond that, setting up and decorating your room is an ongoing process and is a fun way to personalise your space. So take your time with it and really make your space a home away from home. 

Read this blog on How To Decorate Your Student Accommodation Without Damaging The Property to help you get started. 

Girl unpacking her clothes

Meeting Housemates

If you share any of your living spaces with other people, then once you are done setting up, it is a good time to go out and interact with them. 

Meeting new people while at university can seem intimidating at first, but if you are lucky, your housemates may just end up being your closest friends, so be sure to take the initiative to talk to them or offer them a helping hand.

This is also the perfect time to discuss your responsibilities within the shared area whether that be cleaning, throwing the trash, having people around and so much more. Different people have different expectations of their housemates, so it is good to get this out of the way at first to avoid any misunderstandings later down the line!

Students talking to each other

Exploring the Area

It is a great idea to take the time to explore the communal areas and the facilities in the building on your move-in day. You can also take a walk across campus and to nearby shops and cafes nearby.

Find out where the nearest bus stop is and what buses take you where. 

This is a good way to familiarise yourself with your new environment and see how you can get around this new city and what all this city has to offer.

Girl exploring the city

Safety Tips

It is very crucial to keep all your belongings stored safely and securely. All your things are your responsibility and you need to make sure that you don’t lose or misplace anything important while you are far away from home. 

Although student accommodations are really safe and have CCTV cameras at all times, it is still a good step to ensure all your doors are locked at night and your things are stored safely. 

Familiarise yourself with the emergency exits and always keep the emergency contact numbers handy. 

Door lock

Adjustment Period

It is completely normal for your first day at your student accommodation after move-in day to feel new and sometimes lonely. 

Trust us when we tell you that everyone around you would be feeling the same. It is not easy to transition into your university journey but it is worth it. 

So be patient with yourself and give yourself some grace as you are doing this for the first time. 

Be sure to stay in contact with your loved ones and do not hesitate to ask for help!

Girl looking out the window sad

As you settle into your new student accommodation, remember that move-in day is just the beginning of an exciting chapter. Embrace the opportunity to meet new people, explore your surroundings, and make your room feel like home.

 Take advantage of campus resources, stay organised with your belongings, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.

By following these tips, you’ve laid a solid foundation for a successful university experience. Enjoy this new phase of independence and growth, and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead in your new home away from home!

Follow us on Instagram @essentialstudentliving let us know if you have any tips for move-in day that we missed.

If you are looking for student accommodation for the next year, you are in the right place. Visit our Essential Student Living website and browse through the range of properties that cater to every budget.

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